Monday, November 18, 2019

1st Post! -Revised Research Proposal

After getting into groups last week and having many presentations of our artifacts I decided that I will be combining my first and second artifacts together because I believe they are super important to my background and make me the person that I am today. My great grandmother was a huge impact in my life when I was younger. And not just to me but as well as my sisters, cousins, mom and grandma. She wanted us to be together as much as possible and I want to carry that on with my family and even in my future when I have my own kids. She will always be a part of my nationality which brings me to my second artifact of a map of Spain. I know very little of where I originated from, so I want to do research into where my ancestors came from and how it came upon to me and my family. In SFSU’s library they offer a book called, “A history of Spain” by Livermore, H.V. this book will allow me to be able to explore and learn new things about Spain. My family has always been a fan of taking as well as keeping photographs. When I go back home, I will make a point to find old photographs of my great grandmother and see what she dressed like, how she looked, and to observe how things have changed since. They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  In order to find out more information about my great grandmother I plan on having an interview with my grandma over Thanksgiving break. This will allow me to find out more about my nana as well as feel closer to her. I plan on being prepared with a list of questions ready to ask, as well as maybe coming up with more questions to ask during the interview. 
 #Spain #Culture #History #Family #Background #Research #Photographs #Spanish #Impact #Community #Immigration #Challenges #Traditional #Music #Art  
Over the break I plan on sitting down with my grandma and interviewing her questions about my great grandmother that I hope she has the answers to. Some of the questions included will be, Where was she born? Where did her name originate from? What were the conditions there? How was it like being a female in that time? What happened to Spanish language in my family? Do we still carry on the food ways in my family? Do I originate from more than one part of Spain? How can we carry on her traditions? What was her day to day lifestyle like? When did she come to America? Were her parents already in America when she was born?
With going through with the interview when I go home over break as well as using SFSU's library resources I believe to find all the needed information for my purpose project as well as to complete the rest of the assignments for this semester.


  1. I thought that your background research was very thorough and blended well with the project's purpose. I thought the story of your grandmother was very touching and I feel that it is important to have these connections with our relatives to learn more about their experiences. Good job!

  2. I thought the artifact you chose was really interesting, especially since it's kind of like the origins of your family background and such. It is kind of inspiring to learn about how you are trying to research about your great grandmother and how you included impact she has had on your family. It makes me kind of curious about how my family's journey when they immigrated to this country. Good job on your proposal!

  3. I found your proposal very intruiging, and I am very interested to read more about your interview. I thought you did very well in finding your source about Spain and your families background. I think it is very interesting to hear your family is from Spain, because I feel that I do not hear that often. Good job on your proposal.
